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Showing posts from October, 2014

TS4 SIM: Lisa Perrin by Nicole (cedric 13)

TS4  : jeune adulte

TS3 Lot: Daystar by Thomas J Chee (TheReds)

TS3 Lot: Daystar by Thomas J Chee (TheReds) c.2014 Type: Residential Lot Lot Size: 40x40 Style: Modern Floors: Single floor basement + Three levels above (Two main levels, one stairwell access level) Features: Mix of 45° Aspects and 90° Aspects. Upper Level skywalk for panoramic views. Furnished: Yes Ideal Lot Location: Wolff Residence - 500 Sunnyside Blvd, Sunset Valley (Remove/Replace existing Household/Lot).

TS3 Sim: Roselia la fée des fleurs by Nicole (Cedric 13)

Pour ma petite fille Liséa 

TS3 Sim: Rozana la fée de l'Automne by Nicole (Cedric 13)

TS3 Sim: Xiuying by Thomas J Chee (TheReds Studio)

TS3 Sim: XIUYING by Thomas J Chee (TheReds) c.2014 Gender: Female Age: Young Adult Culture: Chinese Traits: Irresistible, Avant Garde, Perfectionist, Artistic, Eco-Friendly. Lifetime Wish: Descendant of da Vinci Xiuying is a fictional character created by Thomas J Chee. Any similarities between this creation and any other Sim creation, fictional character or any person, living or deceased is purely coincidental.