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Showing posts from 2015

TS4 Sim : Peau d'Âne par Nicole (Cedric13)

  Jeune Adulte personnage du conte de Perrault  "Peau d’Âne "

TS3 Lot: Living Out Wild by PopulationSims

TS3  Lot: Living Out Wild by PopulationSims Type: Residential Lot Lot Size:40x40 Style: Outdoor Floors: Ground Floor 1 level Features: Trees, Fishing Pond, Fire Pit, Outdoor Shower, Toilet, Sink, Fountain, Sleeping Bag

TS4 Sim : Lola Amour par Nicole (Cedric13)

TS3 Sim: Aleki Latu by PopulationSims

 TS3 Sim: Aleki Latu by PopulationSims Gender: Male Age: Young Adult Culture: Samoan Traits: Loves to Swim, Love the Outdoors, Love Animals, Natural Cook, Artistic Lifetime Wish: The Ark Builder

TS4 Custom Content: Dentelle fantaisie par Rosah21

TS4 Custom Content: Velours & dentelle ancienne par Rosah21

TS4 Custom Content: Dentelle aérienne par Rosah21

TS4 Sim: Scarlett O' Hara par Nicole (Cedric13)

TS4 Sim: Claudia par Nicole ( Cédric13)

TS4 Custom Content: Robe Azurrium par Rosah21

TS4 Sim: Grace par Nicole (Cédric13)

TS4 Custom Content: Christmas Murals 01-03 by Thomas J Chee (TheReds Studio)

TS4 Custom Content: Christmas Murals 01-03 by Thomas J Chee (TheReds Studio) c.2015 Custom Content Type: Wallpaper / Paint Number of Panels: 8 - These six Murals are made up of eight different panels that can be placed one by one on a blank wall. Wall Size Compatibility: Small, Medium and Tall Walls

TS4 Custom Content: Roseli Silva - Mural 01 Wallpaper by Thomas J Chee (TheReds Studio)

TS4 Custom Content: Roseli Silva - Mural 01 Wallpaper Custom Content Type: Wallpaper / Paint Number of Panels: 8 - This Mural is made up of eight different panels that can be placed one by one on a blank wall. Wall Size Compatibility: Small, Medium and Tall Walls The Origin I.D name will be shown as rosenero10. It is correct and bares no reference to my real name, Thomas J Chee. Although it has been my Origin I.D name since December 2012, I am not known throughout The Sims Community by this name. All my creations from The Sims 4™ will bare this Author name tag.

TS4 Sim: Reul Ghorm par Nicole(Cédric13)

La Fée Bleue 

TS4 Lot: Pyramid of Simubis by Thomas J Chee (TheReds Studio)

The Sims 4™ Lot: Pyramid of Simubis by Thomas J Chee (TheReds Studio) c.2015 Style: Ancient Egyptian Lot Type: Residential Lot Size: 30x20 Value: $59,408 Rooms: 1-Bedroom, 1-Bathroom Furnished: Yes Base Game Compatible: Yes